Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finally, some time for ourselves....... So, what do we do?

I'm very fortunate to live close to my in-laws. I am even more fortunate to have in-laws that love babysitting. A couple weeks ago they babysat our daughter for the first time. My daughter, Elise, is three months old. Ryan's parents had been making it quite clear that they would like to babysit (they bought a crib). So Ryan and I decided we wanted to go see Burn After Reading (very good, by the way). We took the baby over to my in-laws, I fed her as soon as we got there, then we left to see the movie. Elise is still feeding about every three hours, so by the time we got back to pick her up, we had just enough time to make it back home so I could feed her again before putting her to sleep.
This week Ryan was away on business all week. His parents told us to go out tonight and they would watch the baby. The only problem: We don't really know what to do.
Yeah, I admit it, it's pretty sad. We could always see another movie, but that's kinda like a dating cop-out. You don't really get to spend time together. You just sit there in the dark in silence and watch the movie.... unless you're 15. If you're 15, the movie theater is the best place to go on the date, because it's the only place you and your date can be together by yourselves in a dark place. Yeah, between the ages of 13 and 15, all you want to do is go to the movies. During the opening credits, your pinkies are just touching. By the closing credits, you've cut someone's lip with your braces. *sigh* Good times.
Anywho, yeah, my husband and I are kinda past making out in a dark theater, passing chewed up jujubees from one mouth to another (gross, sorry). Maybe we shouldn't be, but we are. Does that make us boring? Maybe. But with today's economy, we're not paying full price for tickets and not watching the movie. We can make out on our couch for free.... with the tv off, 'cause we aren't wastin' the electric.
And we are not going out for dinner. I've already thawed the pork chops! Plus, I always feel like I'm wasting money when I go out to eat. I usually order stuff I could make at home anyway.
So what is cheap and can be accomplished in 2 1/2 hours...... My husband isn't in to art, so we can't go to some gallery... who really does that anyway?
Making out in the car in the grocery store parking lot..... with the car off, 'cause we aren't wastin' the gas!


Super Mommie said...

OOOhhh. You better be careful. Makin' out leads to babies!!

Unknown said...

Hi Bridget,

I noticed your blog and thought you might be interested in some classes that OhioHealth's hospitals are offering for moms and expecting moms.

Check out what's available now at Some great classes include "Baby Basics," "Bootcamp for New Dads," "Celebrating Your Inner Grandparent," "Postpartum Pearls," and "Mommy and Me Fitness."

If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Courtney Cooper
(937) 243-4822